Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to connect with your baby and provide them with the nutrition they need for healthy development. Nonetheless, many women find that this experience is taxing on their bodies and spirits. This is where Ayurveda comes in; it is an ancient Indian medical system that takes into account one’s entire being while treating illness or injury. If you’re a nursing mother, you may improve your health and your baby’s by adopting Ayurveda practices into your daily routine. This blog will cover a range of Ayurveda practices, from food suggestions to herbal medicines, that might aid in your nursing experience.
The Ayurveda herb Shatavari, also known by the common name “Asparagus racemosus,” has been used for generations to help in lactation. Milk production and quality are both boosted, and the health of the mother is also improved. Phytoestrogens, found in abundance in Shatavari, act similarly to oestrogen in the body and have been shown to increase lactation. Breast engorgement and discomfort may be alleviated because of its inherent anti-inflammatory properties.
You can take Shatavari in pill form, powdered form, or brewed into tea. Shatavari is most effective when taken twice a day. Moreover, Shatavari should be avoided by pregnant women since it stimulates uterine contractions.
Also read: Ayurvedic Tips for Staying Healthy During Pregnancy
Another effective Ayurveda treatment for lactation is pomegranate juice. It has a high concentration of antioxidants and has been shown to stimulate lactation. The potassium in pomegranate juice has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood pressure and hydration levels.
The mother and the child can both benefit from consuming a daily glass of fresh pomegranate juice. However, as it can induce diarrhoea and stomach irritation in large doses, pomegranate juice should be used with caution.
Saunf, or fennel seeds, are often used in Ayurvedic medicine to encourage breastfeeding. They aid in digestion for both mother and child and are proven to increase breast milk supply. The phytoestrogen content of fennel seeds has been shown to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers.
You may use fennel seeds in cooking or drink them in tea. A tablespoon of fennel seeds may be used to produce a cup of fennel tea by boiling them in water for 10 to 15 minutes. After steeping, strain the liquid and sip it twice a day.
Ayurvedic herbs like ginger and garlic are widely recognized for their health benefits. You may utilize them to aid with digestion, lessen inflammation, and strengthen your immune system. Both of these herbs have been shown to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers.
Ginger’s high concentration of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components makes it a potent aid in the fight against free radical damage and the promotion of healthy immune system function. Allicin, which is prevalent in garlic, is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory molecule.
Ginger and garlic are both healthy additions to meals and are available as dietary supplements. Ginger tea may be prepared by boiling a small piece of grated ginger in a cup of water for 10 to 15 minutes. The resulting tea can be consumed once or twice a day after being strained. A clove of garlic, once chopped, can be eaten by swallowing it whole with a glass of water.
Milk with almond extract is a common Ayurveda treatment for breastfeeding problems. Milk production may be stimulated by the vitamins, minerals, and good fats found in almonds. Moreover, the calcium in almond milk contributes to healthy bones and teeth.
You may prepare almond-infused milk by blending some almonds that have been soaked in water overnight with some fresh milk and some honey for flavor. In order to facilitate lactation, the milk should be consumed once or twice daily.
Cinnamon is another Ayurvedic herb that is recognized for the various positive effects it has on one’s health. It’s been shown to aid in glucose regulation, inflammation reduction, and immune system strengthening. It has been postulated that cinnamon has lactogenic effects, meaning it can stimulate milk production in nursing mothers.
You may sprinkle cinnamon on your food or drink cinnamon tea. Cinnamon tea is prepared by boiling a stick of cinnamon in a cup of water for 10 to 15 minutes. After steeping, strain the liquid and sip it twice a day.
The advice and assistance of an Ayurvedic healthcare provider should be sought out if breastfeeding challenges arise. There are a number of lifestyle behaviours that can aid in supporting breastfeeding in addition to the use of these ayurveda treatments. Some of these are engaging in relaxing activities like yoga and meditation, as well as obtaining a good night’s sleep and drinking lots of water.
For nursing women experiencing difficulty due to insufficient milk production, these Ayurveda medicines are like tiny heroes that can rescue the day. Herbs like Shatavari and cinnamon have lactogenic properties that help mothers produce more milk, which benefits both the mother and her child. Don’t be afraid to give these Ayurveda cures a shot for your post-delivery care in Ayurveda. At Leelajani Ayur Care, we provide specialised postpartum care treatment that includes traditional ayurvedic remedies to promote healing, rejuvenation, and lactation for new mothers.You can become a supermom and make nursing a breeze if you take the appropriate supplements, eat the right foods, get plenty of rest, and relax.
Also read : : Importance of ayurvedic care during postnatal period
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