Ayurvedic Treatment for Ulcer (Ulcerative Colitis)

Ayurvedic ulcerative colitis treatment provided by Leelajani Ayur Care hospital is highly effective and gives lasting cure through proven Ayurveda medicines and therapies.

Ayurvedic treatment for Ulcerative Colitis in kerala

Ulcerative Colitis & Ayurveda

The name given to ulcerative colitis in Ayurveda is Pittaj Grahani. The name by itself indicates that the disorder occurs due to the imbalance of the Pitta element in the body. However, there is also the involvement of the Vata dosha in varying degrees for a person afflicted with this disorder.

It is an inflammatory disease of the bowels that usually begins in the rectum and spreads throughout the colon with the passage of time. This disease can occur at any age for an individual. However, it is most commonly detected for those people between the ages of 15 and 40. It has also been observed that some individuals are genetically predisposed to having ulcerative colitis.

The main cause of ulcer is thought to be because of excessive consumption of foods that aggravate Pitta Dosha. The initial lifestyle changes such as extended exposure to the sun, ingestion of spicy and sour food, excessive smoking and drinking, etc., tend to damage the rakta dhatus or the blood tissue. This leads to the formation of ama or toxin which is deposited between the villi located in the intestines. Ayurvedic treatment for Ulcer involves removal or the ama, restoring sound absorption condition in the body.

Other factors that contribute to ulcerative colitis in an individual are food allergies, autoimmune factors, genetic factors, disorders of the collagen, and infection. 

Slowly, a smooth coating is formed and this degrades the normal functioning of the intestines. It also lowers the immunity. Ultimately, the accumulation of the doshas cause blockages of the Kapha and Pitta channels and lead to inflammation, infection, accumulation of mucus and edema. At Leelajani Ayur Care, our Ayurvedic treatment for ulcerative colitis is based on the principles such as Ama detoxification, Raktashodhak,  Pitta shamak, ulcer recuperating, and general dietary help.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Ulcer (Ulcerative Colitis)

Signs and Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcer shows the following symptoms:


  • Abdominal cramps
  • Irregular movements of the bowels
  • Fatigue
  • Bluish/yellowish undigested stools
  • Lack of appetite
  • Rectal pain
  • Burning sensation in throat and chest
  • Weight loss
  • Body Odour
Signs and Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcer Treatment through Ayurveda

  • Arjuna Bark capsules can be had with plain water twice a day. This helps to heal the ulcers.
  • Vatsakadi Churna is a mixture of different herbs such as Dhania, Saunf, Anaar, Elaichi, and Jaiphal. This is used to restore proper metabolism in the body.
  • Kutazghan Vati (the bark of the tree) helps to stop diarrhoeas.
  • Triphala helps to clean the GI and heals the ulcers.
  • It is recommended that milk and dairy products be avoided.
  • Stress should be maintained at a minimal level.
  • Non-vegetarian food should be avoided.
  • It is recommended that coconut water is consumed for the alleviation of ulcerative colitis.
  • All bitter–tasting vegetables are recommended to be eaten.
  • Bananas and fresh pomegranate juice can be consumed.
  • Licorice twigs can be chewed.
  • Pumpkin juice can be consumed by patients suffering from ulcerative colitis.
  • Juice of the marigold flower petals is good for the patients.
  • Juice of Doorva grass helps to heal the ulcers.
herbal oil massages

Herbalized Oil massage

Such a massage using medicated oils helps to soothe the entire body. The motion of the massage helps to improve the circulation and this cleanses the tissues of the accumulated impurities. Different herbs are boiled along with a base oil. The oils are chosen in such a manner so that they together work to remove of the imbalance of the base elements.