Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

At Leelajani Ayur Care, we provide exclusive Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease using We provide treatments for Parkinson’s disease using Panchakarma therapies and other internally researched time-tested medicines that give optimal results.

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment in Ayurveda Kerala

Parkinson’s Disease & Ayurveda Treatment

Parkinson’s disease manifests when the nerve junctions of an individual start to deteriorate. These nerve junctions are called ganglia and are located at the base area of the brain. They act to control the muscles in the body as well as the different movements of the body. Parkinson’s disease is characterized by tremors in the limbs when the muscles are at rest. This disease is known by the name Kampavada in Ayurveda. It is known by other names such as Vepana, Vepathu, Sphurana, etc. They all refer to the exaggerated movement of the limbs as experienced by patients of Parkinson’s disease. Using internally researched medicines and Panchakarma therapy, Leelajani Ayur Care treatment centre in Trivandrum, Kerala provides effective Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease helping the patients to control the symptoms of the disease and to stop the further progression of the disease.

Causes of Parkinson’s Disorder

The exact cause of Parkinson’s disease remains unclear, and the role of genetic factors in its development is a subject of ongoing debate. According to research, MPTP (methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine) consumption has been linked to the development of severe Parkinsonism in young drug users. This has given rise to the theory that environmental contaminants may affect the disease’s development. Additionally, there are signs that Parkinsonism is more common in rural or countryside areas.

ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson's diseases

Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease presents itself with different signs and symptoms. Some of them are as follows:

  •    Rigidity of the muscles
  •    Tremors in the digital extremities
  •    Slowness of movements
  •    Jerky movements
  •    Aching limbs
  •    Depression and tiredness
  •    Mental slowness
  •    No facial expressions

Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease is administered to control the symptoms that worsen with the progress of the age.

Parkinson's Disease Therapies with Ayurveda

Kampavata is an Ayurvedic therapeutic treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Understanding the underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease is essential in Ayurvedic medicine, as the disease is related to Vata dosha imbalance.

Ayurvedic Parkinson’s disease treatment consists of a combination of Ayurvedic drugs and Panchakarma therapies such as abhyanga (Ayurvedic massages), swedana (herbal steam treatments), Nasya (nasal therapies), Shirodhara (forehead oil flow therapy), and vasti (enema therapy). These therapies work together to eliminate toxins from the body and progressively improve digestion while strengthening the neurological system.

Ayurvedic medicines try to strengthen the neurological system in addition to preventing further damage. These therapies help to gradually improve movement speed, providing relief from typical symptoms like tremors, rigidity, and depression.

Abhyanga: This is a type of Ayurvedic massage that uses special herbal oils and is performed according to Ayurvedic principles to promote well-being.

Virechana: A purgative therapy that expels waste through the lower gastrointestinal tract. Effective in treating Pitta diseases and assisting in the cleansing of Pitta’s major spots, the stomach and small intestine.

Basti therapy: Also known as enema therapy, this method cleanses the colon, which is dominated by Vata. It is believed to be an excellent natural treatment for Parkinson’s disease.

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: This treatment incorporates proper routines and includes the practice of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama and yoga. It has calming properties and balances the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, as well as soothing the mind and neurological system.

Shiro Abhyanga therapy: A well-known Ayurvedic Indian head massage that relieves tension and exhaustion by massaging the head, neck, and shoulders.

Swedana therapy: Using herbal steam treatments to assist in regulating brain chemicals and bring them back into balance.

Shirodhara therapy: Liquids are gently poured over the forehead in this Ayurvedic therapy. It is a phase in Panchakarma and is an effective Ayurvedic approach to Parkinson’s disease treatment.

Sarvangadara therapy: This includes placing small bundles of steam-heated herbs knotted in cotton sacks on achy body areas to provide gentle comfort.

Nasya therapy: Nasya treatment purifies and eliminates vitiated doshas through nasal apertures. It uses medicinal products such as powders, fumes, oils, or juices to treat the nose.

Why Ayurveda Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease?

Ayurvedic treatments are historic and age old ways to treat any disease. It helps treat diseases with natural remedies without any side effects. Aurvedic medicines are for the long run, unlike modern medicines. Below are the reasons why you should consider Ayurvedic treatments. 

Exploring the Root Cause: The core Ayurvedic approach to illness therapy focuses on uncovering the root cause rather than simply treating symptoms. This ancient medical method provides two unique treatment options: Shodhan and Shaman. Shodhan involves total detoxification through Panchakarma treatment, whereas Shaman focuses on rebalancing doshas via Ayurvedic medications, dietary changes, and lifestyle changes. Notably, Ayurvedic drugs are more effective when given to a patient who has completed Panchakarma cleansing.

Nurturing Safe Medicinal Practices: Ayurvedic medicines are created naturally with no synthetic or chemical ingredients. This method makes these herbal treatments easy on the body, lowering the chance of side effects even after continuous use. Ayurveda provides not only the healing of the sickness but also the prevention of future health concerns by addressing the root cause holistically.

Embracing a Holistic Philosophy: Ayurveda is more than just a medical discipline; it also has a significant philosophical component. Its core principles recognize each human as a unique entity, influencing the approach to treatment. Ayurvedic treatments  prioritises the well-being of the individual patient over simply treating the condition. As a result, due to differences in their body constitutions, two patients with the same condition may receive different therapies.

In summary, Ayurveda’s holistic approach to Parkinson’s disease, including Kampavata treatment and different Panchakarma therapies, works to restore balance and energy to the body and mind as well as alleviate symptoms. Leelajani Ayurcare in Trivandrum provides the best ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s disease, allowing patients to manage their disease’s symptoms and stop the disease’s growth.Being one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals in Trivandrum, we also provide a wide range of ayurvedic treatments for different kinds of diseases, like slip disc, diabetes, orthopaedic diseases, gynecological disorders, and many more. 

Contact us to know more about Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson’s Disease


Fomentation and whole body massage (Abhyanga) is also recommended for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

  • Environmental toxins play a big part in causing Parkinson’s disease in individuals. Therefore, avoiding these toxins in as many ways as possible is one major way to minimize risk of having this disease.
  • It is recommended that one avoids junk food, food made with genetically modified ingredients, chemically grown plants, etc., should be avoided for consumption as much as possible.
  • Foods that aggravate vata element should be purposefully avoided.
  • Nuts such as almonds and walnuts help to nourish the nervous system and should be consumed.
  • Ingestion of Amalaki which is a strong antioxidant is recommended to slow down oxidation and therefore the progress of the disease.
  • Curcumin, a constituent of turmeric, is effective in stalling Parkinson’s disease by disrupting certain proteins that aggregate and are responsible for causing the disease.


The yoga asanas are best for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. They help to increase flexibility and balance of the body with the gentle stretched movements.


Meditation techniques practised by patients with Parkinson’s disease may help to reduce the stress and pain as well as increase the sense of well-being in them.