Heal your diabetes with Ayurveda

Madhumeha or Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases across the globe. Identified as a lifestyle disorder in the Ayurveda, the diabetes is diagnosed as well as treated wrongly by most of the allopathic doctors..


Leelajani Ayur Care Hospital for Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes & Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes is done for 20 types of diabetes and every body type or Prakriti has different ones. Caused by the disorder or improper functioning of the pancreas, liver and spleen, the Diabetes can be detrimental to the lives of the affected ones.

  • Vata Dosha: 4 types of Diabetes
  • Pitta Dosha: 6 types of Diabetes
  • Kapha Dosha: 10 types of Diabetes

Diabetes affects major body organs and can cause Burning Urination, Kidney Disorders, Weakness, Glaucoma, Congestive Heart Failure, Loss of Hair and immunity and frequent urination etc. At the Leelajani Ayur Care health centre, all kinds of diabetes are treated on the ancient principles of the Ayurveda in the most natural and effective manner. The various techniques for Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes followed at the Leelajani Ayur Care are Abhyangam, Patrapotala Swedanam, Choornapinda Swedanam, Kayasekam, Thakradhara and Udvartanam.

Don’t waste time and resources on the common allopathic treatments that are the same for everyone. Choose the Leelajani Ayur Care for an individualized and natural Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment.

Types of Diabetes

Types of Diabetes

The Ayurveda identifies 20 types of diabetes or Madhumeha. There are three types of the human body which are called as the Prakriti, namely – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each body prakriti is prone to a different type of diabetes and the Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes is different for each type. The broad classification is as follows:


  • Vata Dosha: 4 types of Diabetes
  • Pitta Dosha: 6 types of Diabetes
  • Kapha Dosha: 10 types of Diabetes

According to the classical Ayurvedic Texts, all kinds of diabetes are caused due to the derangement of the Kapha element which, in turn, spreads to the whole body and gets mixed with Meda or fat. This mixing is done with the fat that resembles the properties of Kapha or mucus. This mixture is, in turn, passed to the urinary system and interferes with the normal urine passing. Finally, the disturbed balance of the Vata and Pitta also causes the other Malas or body fluids to come out in urine and affect the overall body system.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

The classic Ayurvedic Texts describe the following signs and symptoms of Diabetes:.

  • Honey like sweetness of Urine
  • Thirst
  • Polyphagia
  • Obesity
  • Tiredness
  • Burning sensation in the skin
  • Constipation
  • Numbness of the body
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Difficult healing of wounds, boils and abscesses

The Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment is done after verifying its origin – Genetic or Acquired. Further, the body prakriti and extent of the disease are also considered while designing the complete plan of the Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes. Individual case studies, diagnosis and medication make the Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment the best and the most effective.

Diabetes Treatment at Leelajani Ayur Care

At the Leelajani Ayur Care, we follow all the practices of the best Classical Ayurvedic Texts to the minute details with an immaculate precision and ensure that every herbal formulation and technique is administered in the most accurate manner. The Ayurvedic Health Experts at the Leelajani Ayur Care follow various steps for Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes such as:

Abhyangam, Patrapotala Swedanam, Choornapinda Swedanam, Kayasekam, Thakradhara and Udvartanam.

The Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment starts with the proper body and prakriti analysis and sadhyata of the type of diabetes. Then comes Abhyangam in which body massages are given to the patients. Patrapotala Swedanam includes sudation by specially prepared medicinal leaves’ bundles. Choornapinda Swedanam includes sudation by herbal powder administration; Kayasekam comprises of heating up the body to release the toxins via skin in the form of sweat etc; Thakradhara includes pouring of the buttermilk stream on a particular body part and the Udvartanam includes full body massage that is done to burn fat. Check out ayurvedic treatment for neck pain in Kerala. 


In Abhyangam, the body of the patient is massaged slowly following a set of rhythmic movements from head to toe. The message is done for 40 to 50 minutes and is done via warm and medicated oils prepared especially for different diseases and different body types. The experts will massage the body in 7 different postures and varying pressures in each posture. The Abhyanga nourishes tissues, ligaments and bones.


In Kayasekam, the warm ghee or herbal oil is poured over the patient body in the continuous and monitored stream for a fixed duration of time. It is a type of Sarvanga Dhara in which hot or warm medicinal liquids are poured in a monitored manner on a particular body part. Alongside the pouring, the body will be massaged in Kayasekam. It is highly beneficial for dealing with Vata disorders.

Patrapotala Swedanam

In Patrapotala Swedanam, the bundles of special medicinal leaves and herbs are used on the whole body to release the toxins in the form of sweat. It is a form of Oosham Sweda (sudation via heating) and is very beneficial for toxin removal via the skin. Small cloth bundles or potalis are filled with herbs and medicinal leaves (ground or cut) and the bundle is heated on a pan. Then it is pressed on the body of the patient in 7 different postures with varying pressure in each posture. It strengthens tissues, muscles and joints.


In Thakradhara, a thin buttermilk stream is poured on a particular body part in a carefully monitored manner. Before pouring, the buttermilk is processed with special medicinal herbs and herbal formulations. Thakradhara is beneficial in dealing with various diseases and ailments.

Choornapinda Swedanam:

The Choornapinda Swedanam means sudation of the patient’s body via the bundles made of special herbal powders or choorna. The bundles are prepared with special herbal powders (the mixture of many different powders fried or mixed in oils) and then heated over an iron pan. Then the bundles are placed on the body with varying pressure and sedation is induced.


In Udvartanam, the full body is massaged with special herbal formulations to reduce the body fat. It is highly beneficial for the diabetics in whom obesity is the major reason for the disease. It is also called as Ubatan and is mentioned as a daily cleansing and lifestyle ritual in the classic Ayurvedic Texts.