Sinusitis Treatment in Ayurveda
Sinusitis is a medical condition, and as its name suggests, it affects the sinuses, which are hollow cavities along the nasal passage. During an episode of sinusitis, the sinuses become inflamed and clogged with mucus, causing significant discomfort.
Leelajani Ayur Care Hospital for Sinusitis Treatment
Ayurvedic Treatment for Sinusitis
Ayurvedic treatment for sinusitis is more effective than over the counter medication. The latter suppresses the symptoms, while in Ayurveda, the aim is to identify the root cause and treat the problem. Ayurveda describes sinusitis as an imbalance of doshas, which causes the body’s immunity levels to drop, thereby making it more prone to disease and infections.
In Ayurvedic medicine, the treatment for sinusitis involves detoxification of the body, which is a way of correcting the imbalance in the doshas. To heal sinusitis Ayurveda prescribes alteration in lifestyle and dietary habits, alongside the use of herbal concoctions and treatments that eliminate toxins from the system. Detoxification of the body is done through panchakarma therapies, under supervision of highly-skilled Ayurvedic professionals.
Kriyas such as Jal Neti is known to be extremely beneficial, as it helps in dislodging mucus from the nasal passages and keeping the cavities clean. Jal Neti practised regularly dramatically reduces the incidence of sinus infections.
Causes and Symptoms of Sinusitis
Sinusitis can be triggered by infections, allergies, cold weather conditions or polluted environment. Medical science classifies sinusitis into four stages, namely, acute sinusitis, subacute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis and infected or recurrent sinusitis.
Acute sinusitis resembles a cold and has similar symptoms, accompanied by facial pain. It can last between 2-4 weeks. Symptoms of subacute sinus remain for 5-12 weeks, while signs of chronic sinus can continue for periods longer than 12 weeks. Infected or recurrent sinusitis afflicts patients several times in a year.
The severity differs for all these stages. However, the most identifiable symptoms include tenderness and pain in the facial region, accompanied by a nagging headache that spreads to the temples. Bending the head often aggravates the pain and patients cannot bear loud noise and bright lights. Patients experience persistent irritation in the throat and a runny or blocked nose. In cases where the inflammation becomes severe, patients complain of body ache, run a fever and have a yellowish-green mucus discharge from the nose.
Ayurvedic Cure for Sinusitis
Ayurvedic treatment for sinusitis, as prescribed in the ancient texts includes various therapies, that use herbs as a base. Ayurvedic remedies for sinusitis make use of special oils, powders and concoctions, etc., derived from herbs. The most common treatments are, Nasyam, Lepam, Thalam/Shiro Pichu and Vamana.
- Nasyam: In Nasyam herbal ghee/oil is poured into the nasal passage of the patient. There are different types of Nasyam, such as Virechana, Brimhana and Samana. Every kind of nasyam treatment serves a different purpose, and are an excellent remedy for lubricating and clearing the nasal passage
- Lepam: Also known as Siro Lepam, cures not just sinusitis but also helps relieve migraines and insomnia. In this treatment, a mixture consisting of special herbal oils is applied on the head, followed with an application of a herbal pack, spread all over the head. A plantain leaf is then used to cover the head, and it is secured by a special cloth called Varth
- Thalam/Shiro Pichu: Yet another ayurvedic treatment that provides relief from multiple symptoms, including those caused by sinusitis. The treatment involves the use of a sterile cotton swab which is soaked in herbal oils and then placed on the skull, at the crown. The herbal oil-soaked pad is secured in place using a gauze. Usually, surasadi thailam and tulsiyadi thailam are used for this therapy
- Vamanam: One of the cornerstones of panchakarma, Vamanam therapy purges out toxins from the body through induced vomiting. The treatment restores the Kapha dosha and in doing so, extricates toxins, chiefly from the respiratory tract. It serves a double purpose as it acts as a preventive therapy as well as curative treatment
Nasya treatment for sinus is considered the most effective in curing sinusitis. The Leelajani Ayur Care Hospital Tvm, in Kerala, offers the Nasya Karma as part of its holistic approach towards the treatment of sinusitis. Nasya karma or the errhine therapy greatly benefits ailments occurring in the nose, throat and ear regions. The therapy helps in dislodging mucus, reduce inflammation and lubricate the nasal passage, thereby providing relief from the symptoms of sinusitis.
The Ayurvedic therapy involves passing herbal oils, herbal extracts and herbal powders through the nasal passage. The herbs used in the treatment are safe and time-tested, and of course, prescribed in Ayurveda. Nasya therapy clears the nasal passage of the mucous, providing relief from heaviness, blocked nose and the ache in the head and face region. The treatment is also beneficial in improving memory and aptitude.
Here is a quick synopsis on the benefits of Nasya, and why you should undergo the therapy –
- Reduces pain: The treatment can reduce headaches, caused by sinus and migraine and pain associated with cervical spondylosis. That is possible as the medicated oils used in the treatment can rouse the brain’s pain handling centres.
- Stress reduction: The herbal oils used to irrigate the nostrils stimulate the section of the brain that handles stress
- Eliminates toxins: The processes involved in the therapy are effective in eliminating toxins that are accumulated in the body. The healing process begins once the toxins are removed
- Revitalises skin and hair: Nasya practiced regularly improves the quality and texture of the skin and hair. It reduces acne and blemishes from the skin and prevents premature greying
- Immunity booster: The herbs and medicated oil are potent and beneficial in enhancing immunity
- Respiratory health and sinusitis: Nasya clears mucus and blocked sinuses while strengthening them. It helps fight nasal infection, allergies and sinusitis
Home remedies for Sinusitis
Home remedies for sinusitis are useful and can bring instant relief. Most home remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda. Patients prone to sinusitis can start drinking warm water instead of cold water. Doing so has a soothing effect on the sinuses and eases the uneasiness.
Other home remedies for sinusitis suggested in Ayurveda include drinking infused water. The infusion is made ready by boiling fresh mint leaves, basil (tulsi) leaves, an inch-long piece of ginger with a couple of cloves in a litre of water. Bring the water to a rolling boil, cool, strain and drink, a few times a day.
Juice from freshly grated ginger (1 tsp), combined with honey (1 tsp), 3-4 times a day, is also an adequate remedy. Steam inhalation also relieves the symptoms. Consult an Ayurveda doctor for changes to make in your lifestyle and diet, to combat sinusitis.