The Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes is done for 20 types of diabetes and every body type or Prakriti has different ones. Caused by the disorder or improper functioning of the pancreas, liver and spleen, the Diabetes can be detrimental to the lives of the affected ones.
- Vata Dosha: 4 types of Diabetes
- Pitta Dosha: 6 types of Diabetes
- Kapha Dosha: 10 types of Diabetes
Diabetes affects major body organs and can cause Burning Urination, Kidney Disorders, Weakness, Glaucoma, Congestive Heart Failure, Loss of Hair and immunity and frequent urination etc. At the Leelajani Ayur Care health centre, all kinds of diabetes are treated on the ancient principles of the Ayurveda in the most natural and effective manner. The various techniques for Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes followed at the Leelajani Ayur Care are Abhyangam, Patrapotala Swedanam, Choornapinda Swedanam, Kayasekam, Thakradhara and Udvartanam.
Don’t waste time and resources on the common allopathic treatments that are the same for everyone. Choose the Leelajani Ayur Care for an individualized and natural Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment.