Ayurvedic Health Care Programs
Ayurveda, whose literal meaning is ‘Science of Life’, is one of the most ancient traditions that are being followed even today. In its best form, it provides the necessary information to live a healthy and long life.

Ayurvedic Wellness Treatment Programs
Today’s lifestyle is vastly different from what it was in the past. Change seems to be the only constant as we know it to be. Modern food habits are seen to affect the nutritional balance in many individuals. The health of the populations has taken a beating and living standards are falling.
Fully realizing this fact, we at Leelajani Ayur Care have fine-tuned ancient Ayurveda treatment methodologies in such a manner that modern man/woman benefits from the traditional goodness of Ayurveda treatment in the midst of a hectic and stressed lifestyle. The Ayurveda health care programs designed by us help every individual to fight back the malady and restore the vitality of life. We have designed different programs to suit different types of individuals.
The wide range of Ayurvedic health care treatment programs offered by Leelajani Ayur Care includes stress management for students/IT professionals, counselling and treatment for modern degenerative diseases, Karkidaka Ayurveda Packages for good health and detoxification during the monsoon season, Ayurveda Medical Tourism that allows people from all over the world to come and live with us, follow healthy practices of eating and living, and to treat diseases of the body and mind. After completing the program, they can return back to their lives with a fresh body, mind and soul, refreshed and rejuvenated.

Ayurveda wellness for Kids
Child Care Ayurveda Program
At Leelajani Ayur Care, we believe that our children are our future. Keeping in mind that well-being and health of children are of paramount importance, we have designed a program for children to lead a healthy life.
Time-tested and ancient principles of Ayurveda state that children should have a childhood that is filled with happiness and contentment for the best mental and physical growth. For this purpose, Leelajani Ayur Care, the leading Ayurveda hospital in Trivandrum has collaborated with a number of schools throughout the state to design a program that is aimed at improving the overall health of the children.
Major Activities of Program
Inspection rooms in schools with a qualified Ayurveda doctor and a nurse present there to monitor the health of the children
Teaching measures of fitness for students who take part in sports
Discuss students’ behaviour with teachers to help them improve in physical and mental health
Spread nutritional and health awareness among children
Spread awareness about the goodness of Ayurveda
Maintain the complete medical history of each student from kindergarten to the higher secondary classes
Provide emergency and first aid
Provide counselling and consultation for parents
Spread awareness about the body, immunity, and physical strength among the students
Spread awareness among the students about diseases and prevention
Counselling for adolescent and other needy students
Spread sanitation awareness among students
Grow and maintain a herbal garden in the school

Customised for Corporates
Corporate Wellness Ayurveda Program
With a rise in corporate jobs and hectic lifestyles to support these jobs, new maladies are plaguing mankind like never before. Taking this into consideration, we at Leelajani Ayur Care have formulated an Ayurvedic Wellness Program for corporate employees to improve their physical and mental health.
The IT sector offers the biggest opportunity for job seekers in the technology domain. However, quality of life has plummeted for IT workers because of erratic lifestyles, stress, and wrong food. This has given rise to health problems like obesity, a rise in blood cholesterol levels and other lifestyle diseases creeping in at a very early age. The design of our Corporate Program is to help such ‘techies’ regain a healthy life.
The unique ‘Corporate Therapy’ program instituted by Leelajani Ayur Care treatment centre is to help corporate employees relax mentally and physically using Ayurvedic treatment, Yoga, stress management therapies, meditation, good diet and nutrition, fitness and counselling sessions.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Stress Management
Stress management using Yoga, meditation, counselling, good diet, Ayurvedic treatment and nutrition knowledge is gaining popularity throughout the corporate world. Bad physical and mental stress is known to affect the overall productivity of the organization.
Leelajani Ayur Care in collaboration with corporates has the arrangement to conduct Yoga and meditation sessions for their employees on a regular basis. The Stress Management Program has been designed in collaboration with renowned industrial psychologists and top-rated Ayurveda doctors. The techniques have been developed in such a way that they are easy to practice in the workplace and have the best outcomes.
It has been observed that this has brought about positive results in terms of improved productivity and employee satisfaction. They are also seen to be more confident in their approach to work with improved energy and focus.

Stress reduction

Improved patience

Mind control

Improved Memory

Counselling in Ayurveda is a holistic approach towards transforming an individual’s life with greater awareness and consciousness. This would help the person to release all the old inhibiting patterns to make way for newer ones that create more balance and happiness in life.
At Leelajani Ayur Care, we have instituted a counselling program in which we collaborate with an active panel of Ayurveda doctors and expert psychologists to guide those in need of advice from schooling to professional levels. Analysing the case history of the patient, we suggest diet, lifestyle treatment and Ayurvedic medicines for a complete cure. Through Counselling we aim to provide professional guidance to individuals on the basis of psychological evaluations obtained through personal data using interviews, aptitude tests, and individual history.

Individual Counseling
This counselling is done with the aim of helping an individual fully express his emotions with a view to heal unhappy issues and open the door to a more fuller living. This helps individuals to identify emotions and get them under control. The final outcome of individual counselling is an increase in the ability to make better decisions, improve the quality of personal relationships and become more effective in whatever they do.

Couple Counseling
This type of counselling is most suited for couples whose relationship is at the crossroads. This type of counselling consists of individual sessions, combined sessions, role modelling, and exercises conducted separately, therapies, analysis of behaviour patterns etc.

Group Counseling
This is similar to the individual counselling sessions but is conducted on subjects when they are in groups. Usually, the group members have a common issue or concern that may be troubling them. The topics of concern are addressed in a general manner and the expected outcomes of such an exercise are improved confidence, better ability to manage stressful issues, better capability to cope up with grief, and improved ability to deal with post-traumatic stress.