Ayurvedic Post-Pregnancy Healthcare Package
At Leelajani Ayur Care, we offer comprehensive Ayurveda post pregnancy health care treatment to help new mothers enjoy their first steps into motherhood.

Leelajani Ayur Care Post-pregnancy Care
Post Pregnancy Ayurveda Package
Postpartum care in Ayurveda/Prasava Raksha: When it comes to pregnancy, it is of utmost importance that women are given the right care both before and after delivery. Ayurveda places a great deal of emphasis on providing the would-be mothers with the best care before, during, and after pregnancy because the ability of women to bear children and care for them is considered as the fundamental aspects of family life and the foundation of a good society. Therefore, women should be well cared for in order to ensure the manifestation of desired qualities in any society.
After the delivery, the first three months that follow are very important for new mothers. It is during this period that the expanded uterus returns back to its normal size and position. Moreover, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons connected to the uterus regaining the lost power. Mothers also regain their mental strength that was slightly low during the first week after the delivery. Therefore, nutrition has a key role to play in post-pregnancy care as it ensures faster recovery and better health for new mothers.
At Leelajani Ayur Care, we have developed our own unique methods for taking good care of women during the post pregnancy period, keeping in mind the traditional Ayurveda practices. The special post pregnancy treatment methods developed by us include herbal massages, therapies, and administration of food supplements. The therapies help to revitalize the mother’s body as they involve the use of a unique combination of Ayurvedic oil preparations and massages. While the oil massages help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, the use of herbal water for bathing help new mothers gain their physical strength. At the same time, they also contribute a great deal to helping new mothers refresh their inner self.